It’s Over: The Checklist You Need For Your New Beginning

It’s over. Officially. But, now what? As a divorce lawyer for the last 12+ years, I can tell you that – as crazy as it sounds – sometimes one of the most difficult parts of divorce is the end. After enduring so many months of negotiation, paperwork, deadlines, heartache and perhaps even frustration or anger; when the divorce judgment is finally granted, it can feel all at once like an incredible burden lifted – but also like a thick cloud …
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5 Reasons Your Divorce Judgment was Rejected (& What to Do About it)

You have spent hours pouring over all of the forms necessary to finalize your divorce. You researched online, browsed a DIY book, and maybe even had a meeting or two with a lawyer. You were finally able to get your spouse to sign and have his/her signature notarized (which was a huge feat in it of itself). You gathered your self addressed stamped envelopes, made copies of your Judgment and made time out of your (busy) day to drive across town …
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