Although a divorce, annulment ends the financial relationship between spouses, difficulties may still continue to arise even after the court enters the final judgment and a party may need to have an order modified or enforced based on their situation or their prior spouse’s conduct. The final order a judge issues terminates the marriage and results in orders that establish the property division of both community and quasi community property, spousal support, child custody, visitation and child support. Though a court tries to make orders that do not need to be amended, at times it is necessary to modify or enforce these orders to resolve disputes that arise after the divorce process is over.
The most common reasons a party may need to modify an order are for support or custody changes. For custody, as the child gets older, the visitation agreement as set forth in the final order may no longer be appropriate. For support, modifications are often amended when the one of the parties remarries, as the children get older, or if the parties begin to share custody more than when the order was entered. Enforcements are necessary when one party is not complying with the terms of the order. An enforcement alerts the court that one party is violating the order, and the court can then require that parent to comply.
There are many issues that continue to arise after the final order has been entered. Whether you need to enforce an order or modify an existing order, our office can help. Please contact us today to set up a consultation.
Our Services
Our Areas of Practice
Adult Child Support
Assisted Reproduction Technology Litigation
Child Custody and Visitation
Child Custody Mediations
Child Support
Child Support Arrearage
Divorce Litigation
Divorce Mediation
Divorce with Children with Special Needs
Domestic Partnership Dissolution
Enforcement (or Set-Aside) of Pre-Marital and Post-Marital Agreements
Establishing Paternity or Maternity
Family Law Coaching
Gender and Name Changes
Grandparent Visitation
High Asset Divorce
Independent Legal Advice
Judgment Set Aside
Legal Separation
Non-Marital Relationship Dissolution
Parenting Agreements
Parentage Judgment